Retirement Savings Plan Summary Plan Description

2.2 EISB (the Plan Office) and Others Assist with Plan Administration

The Board has contracted with the Electrical Industry Service Bureau (EISB), generally referred to in this Summary as the Plan Office, to administer the Plan on the Board's behalf along with other professional advisors who are listed at the beginning of this Summary. The mailing address of the Plan Office is:

720 Market Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94102-2509

Tel: (415) 263-3670

An investment consultant monitors the Plan's investments and investment managers, and assists the Board with developing the Plan's investment policy and with regular periodic reviews of the Plan's investment portfolio performance. The Plan's accountant audits the Plan's financial statements each year and prepares the Plan's annual Form 5500 that is filed with the U.S. Department of Labor. The Plan's co-counsels advise the Board on legal and regulatory matters. Plan assets are maintained in the custody of an affiliate of Fidelity Investments, and Participant accounts are maintained on the Fidelity recordkeeping platform.